Sunday, April 10, 2011


I took this candid shot of our cat, Freeway, just after it finished raining on Saturday.  He has an affinity for sniffing the air that comes in through the open door. 

I wish I could have had the screen squared up better, but I was laying on the ground and Freeway doesn't sit still much!  I think it looks cool anyway...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Through the Cables

I grew up near San Francisco and used to visit often.  The city holds a special place with me because it is perhaps the most culturally diverse places on Earth where everyone is accepted.  No matter which demographic anyone associates with, there is a place for them in San Francisco. 

This photo was taken on a bluff where the North end of the Golden Gate Bridge meets land.  I've always called it Bunker Hill, but I've also heard it called The Headlands.  Officially the area is the Golden Gate National Recreation Area.  This is where many famous photographs of the bridge and the city have been taken.  The view is spectacular but is usually very crowded, so be prepared to fight for a parking spot.

I took this shot because I felt it offers a unique view from the area.  Although there are thousands of shots from here, I haven't seen one through the cables that emphasizes the bridge tower as well as the city lights.  I like to think of it as an "outside looking in" perspective on the city.  What's going on over there while I'm up here where it is quiet?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A few months ago I created a website ( to showcase my photographs.  I use the site as my gallery which is great, but I also wanted a better and more public place to share the passion that goes into each photograph. 

Last October I tagged along on a business trip my wife was going on to St. Louis.  I try not to pass up an opportunity to go somewhere new.  Not only do I enjoy a change of scenery, but I crave new locales to shoot photos of. 

Cemeteries are high on the short list of my very favorite places to shoot.  I knew as soon as we planned the trip that I wanted to find cemeteries to visit.  After all, I had all day to myself while my wife was in business meetings.  Little did I know that the cemetery I chose, Bellafontaine Cemetery, would demand the entire day and then some.  Never before had I seen one place with more amazing sculptures than this.  I will be posting many photos from this particular cemetery.

This particular monument stands about ten feet tall and features a classically sculpted angel  in a mournful pose.  The statue is positioned such that she is looking down at you as you walk past, and you can feel her gaze.  This monument guards the body of John and Louisa Ringen.  I tried to learn more about them, but didn't have much luck.  As always, please feel free to share any information you may have.